South Atlantic Water Science Center - North Carolina Office
Project OverviewFull Title Location Cooperating Agencies Project Chief Period of Project Team Members USGS IN YOUR STATEUSGS Water Science Centers are located in each state. |
Sediment Collection Surry CountyThis project was completed in 2012. These pages are for historical purposes only. ReportsCattle crossing at Pauls Creek site, Surry County N.C. The following report is currently in review. Smith, D.G., Ferrell, G.M., Harned, D.A., and Currney, T.F., 2009, Lessons learned from a study of the effects of Agricultural Best Management Practices and In-stream Restoration on Suspended Sediment, Water Quality, Stream Habitat, and Benthic Macroinvertebrates at three sites in Surry County, North Carolina, 2004-2007. U.S. Geological Survey SIR XXXXX, XX p. |