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South Atlantic Water Science Center - North Carolina Office

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Map of North Carolina highlighting the project study area

Project Overview

Full Title
Triangle Area Water Supply Monitoring Project

 Chatham, Durham, Granville, Orange, and Wake Counties

Partner Agencies
Partner Agencies

Project Chief
Mary Giorgino

Period of Project
October 1988 - June 2017

Team Members
Jessica Cain
Cassandra Pfeifle
Ryan Rasmussen

Science Topic
Increased Population and Water Resources


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Triangle Area Water Supply Monitoring

Presentations and Reports



Quality of surface-water supplies in the Triangle Area of North Carolina, water years 2012-13
By C.A. Pfeifle, J.L. Cain, and R.B. Rasmussen
Open-File Report 2016-1137
Quality of surface-water supplies in the Triangle area of North Carolina, water years 2010-11
By C.A. Pfeifle, J.L. Cain, and R.B. Rasmussen
Open-File Report 2016-1002
Quality of Surface-Water Supplies in the Triangle Area of North Carolina, Water Year 2009
By C.A. Pfeifle, M.J. Giorgino, and R.B. Rasmussen
Open-File Report 2014-1192
Quality of Surface-Water Supplies in the Triangle Area of North Carolina, Water Year 2008
By M.J. Giorgino, R.B. Rasmussen, and C.A. Pfeifle
Open-File Report 2012-1013
SIR 2007-5054
Occurrence of organic wastewater compounds in selected surface-water supplies, Triangle Area of North Carolina, 2002-2005
By M.J. Giorgino, R.B. Rasmussen, and C.M. Pfeifle
Scientific Investigations Report 2007-5054
Triangle Area Water Supply Monitoring Project, October 1988 through September 2001, North Carolina-Description of the water-quality network, sampling and analysis methods, and quality-assurance practices
By Carolyn J. Oblinger
Open-File Report 2004-1278
WRIR 97-4061
Water-quality trends for streams and reservoirs in the Research Triangle area of North Carolina, 1983-95
By C.J.O. Childress and Neeti Bathala
Water-Resources Investigations Report 97-4061
Water and bed-material quality of selected streams and reservoirs in the Research Triangle area of North Carolina, 1988-94
By C.J.O. Childress and M.W. Treece, Jr.
Abstract Only: Water-Resources Investigations Report 95-4282
Water-quality data for selected North Carolina streams and reservoirs in the Triangle Area Water Supply Monitoring Project, 1988-92
By R.G. Garrett, J.E. Taylor, and T.L. Middleton
Abstract Only: Open-File Report 94-379
Water-quality characteristics of inflow to and outflow from B. Everett Jordan Lake, North Carolina, 1982-86
By R.G. Garrett
Abstract Only: Water-Resources Investigations Report 90-4096
Water-quality characteristics of inflow to and outflow from Falls Lake, North Carolina, 1982-87
By R.G. Garrett
Abstract Only: Water-Resources Investigations Report 90-4097

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Page Last Modified: Monday, 05-Dec-2016 12:48:16 EST