South Atlantic Water Science Center - North Carolina Office
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Apparent Flow Losses in the Cape Fear RiverThis project was completed in 2012. These pages are for historical purposes only. Project SummaryCape Fear River looking upstream from Buckhorn Dam Background The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers is required to release water from B. Everett Jordan Lake such that a minimum (target) flow of 600 ft3/s (± 50 ft3/s) is measured at the USGS streamgaging station located on the Cape Fear River at U.S. Highway 401 at Lillington (USGS Sta. 02102500). The drainage area in this 24-mile reach increases from 1,689 mi2 at Jordan Lake dam to 3,464 mi2 at the Lillington gaging station (resulting in an intervening drainage area of 1,775 mi2). Much of the intervening drainage area in this reach includes the Deep River basin, and the downstream-most gaging station on the Deep River at Moncure (USGS Sta. 02102000) has a drainage area of 1,434 mi2. During some low-flow conditions, the sum of the estimated releases from Jordan Lake and the measured streamflow on the Deep River at Moncure is greater than the streamflow recorded downstream at the gaging station at Lillington. Consequently, either the target at Lillington is not met, or excessive water is released from Jordan Lake in an attempt to meet the target. The difference between the inflow to this area (sum of releases from Jordan Lake dam and flow in Deep River at Moncure) and outflow from the reach (flow in the Cape Fear River at Lillington) could be because either (1) flow is measured inaccurately at one or more of the 3 measurement locations or (2) flow is being "lost" from the reach from surface-water diversions, possible alterations due to storage behind dam structures, ground-water withdrawals, evaporation, recharge (loss) to the ground water system, or a combination of these factors. Figure 1. Map showing proposed study area of Cape Fear River between B. Everett Jordan Lake and Lillington. The proposed study area is located in the Cape Fear River Basin from the dam at B. Everett Jordan Lake, an impoundment of the Haw River in Chatham County, downstream to U.S. Highway 401 near Lillington in Harnett County (figure 1). Jordan Lake has been in operation since February 1982, and the dam (USGS Sta. 02098197) is located 4.1 miles upstream from the confluence of the Haw and Deep Rivers where the Cape Fear River takes its name (figure 1). The study area also includes the downstream-most 4.5 miles of the Deep River (between the USGS gaging station located at Moncure and mouth of the Deep River). The confluence of the Haw River and Deep River is 19.7 miles upstream from the U.S. Highway 401 bridge at Lillington. The Corps of Engineers estimates flows at Jordan Lake dam based on a rating between gate opening and flow. Streamflow records on the Deep River at Moncure began in July 1930; records began on the Cape Fear River at Lillington in December 1923. The combined drainage area of the Deep River at Moncure and the basin upstream from Jordan Lake dam is 3,123 mi2. Consequently, an additional area of 341 mi2 drains to the Haw and Cape Fear Rivers between these two locations and the gaging station at Lillington. The drainage areas of these streams in the study reach have not all been determined. The major streams draining to the study reach are (from upstream to downstream):
Consideration of possible flow losses is complicated by the presence of several factors that may affect the overall flow patterns in this reach: The first factor is low-head, run-of-river dams located in the study area. The Lockville Dam is located on the Deep River about 2.7 miles upstream from the mouth of the Deep River (figure 1). Recent information obtained about this dam indicates that no power production currently occurs at this structure, and that run-of-river conditions are in effect across the dam. No other information or data is known to exist that would provide insight into flow patterns occurring as a result of this dam. Figure 2. Buckhorn Dam on Cape Fear River between Jordan Lake and Lillington. The Buckhorn dam (USGS Sta. 02102178, figure 2) is located in the Cape Fear River at 13.8 miles upstream from U.S. Highway 401 bridge, and 5.9 miles downstream from the confluence of the Haw and Deep Rivers (figure 1). Approximately 1,150 feet in length, the dam was completed and filled in 1908, then used until December 1962 by a regional power producer to regulate flows for the production of power (Walters and others, 2005). An estimated surface area of the river upstream from the dam up to Jordan Lake dam and the Lockville dam is about 460 acres. The volume of water in storage behind the dam is reported as being 69.7 million ft3 (Walters and others, 2005). A second factor is the presence of water withdrawals from the river in the study reach. The largest withdrawal is associated with the operation of a coal-fired power plant owned by the regional power producer and located adjacent to the Cape Fear River just downstream from the confluence of the Deep and Haw Rivers. Water is withdrawn from the river, then discharged to a canal that generally runs parallel to the mainstem, merging back into the river immediately upstream of the Buckhorn dam. In a recent report on the low-flow characteristics in the Cape Fear River basin (Weaver, 2001), the average daily withdrawal and return discharge in 1998 for the plant was about 207 and 204 Mgal/day, respectively. Long-term consumptive use of water by the plant is not known at this time. However, a stream gaging station was installed on the canal during March 2008 and should help provide some additional information about the flow diversions through this facility. A second water-supply withdrawal is located on the Cape Fear River just upstream from the gaging station at Lillington and the associated wastewater discharge is located downstream from the gaging station There are no other known major public surface-water supply withdrawals in the study reach, but there may be other small withdrawals. Ground-water withdrawals from a quarry operation near the Lockville dam may potentially intercept ground-water that would be otherwise discharging to the river. A third possible factor may be the underlying geologic setting and Fall Line transition from Piedmont physiographic province to Coastal Plain physiographic province. For most of the intervening drainage area between Jordan Lake dam and Lillington (with exception of most of Deep River basin), the underlying geologic rocks are Triassic Basin rocks, which generally have low permeabilities. Where streamflow data has been collected in areas within the Triassic Basin, the potentials for sustained base flows are extremely low. The presence of the Fall Line transition between the physiographic provinces raises the question about possible flow losses attributed to natural causes in these hydrogeologic formations as opposed to man-made causes. Objectives The objectives of the proposed study are to:
Approach To fulfill the objectives of the study, the proposed work will include six main tasks as follows: