Support of TMDL programs using spatially referenced regression models
Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management article
By Gerard McMahon, Richard B. Alexander, and Song Qian
Full Journal Article (15 pages, 780K)
The spatially referenced regressions on watershed attributes modeling approach, as applied to predictions of total nitrogen flux in three North Carolina river basins, addresses several information needs identified by a National Research Council evaluation of the total maximum daily load program. The model provides reach-level predictions of the probability of exceeding water-quality criteria, and estimates of total nitrogen budgets. Model estimates of point- and diffuse-source contributions and nitrogen loss rates in streams and reservoirs compared moderately well with literature estimates. Maps of reach-level predictions of nutrient inputs and delivery provide an intuitive and spatially detailed summary of the origins and fate of nutrients within a basin.
McMahon, Gerard, Alexander, R.B., and Qian, S., 2003, Support of TMDL programs using spatially referenced regression models, American Society of Civil Engineers Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management, v. 129, no. 4, p. 315-329.
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