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Data Series 279

Selected Physical, Chemical, and Biological Data for 30 Urbanizing Streams in the North Carolina Piedmont Ecoregion, 2002—2003

National Water-Quality Assessment Program

By E.M. Giddings, Michelle C. Moorman, Thomas F. Cuffney, Gerard McMahon, and Douglas A. Harned


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Conversion Factors


Data Collection and Processing Methods

Data Files



Data Files

Data files are available to download in Excel (version 2003) format. Each workbook contains one data sheet and, where necessary, one sheet with variable name definitions and notes. For site descriptions, see the table under “Description of Study Area” or download the site file. For descriptions of the data, see the associated method section.

Site descriptions

Sites.xls (21 KB) List of station name, number, latitude, longitude and drainage area.

Hydrologic variability metrics

Hydro_metrics_discharge.xls (60 KB) Metrics describing streamflow variability, calculated based on estimated discharge.
Hydro_metrics_area.xls (58 KB) Metrics describing streamflow variability, calculated based on cross sectional area.
Hydro_metrics_stage.xls (53 KB) Metrics describing streamflow variability, calculated based on stream stage.

Temperature summary statistics

Temperat_mean.xls (275 KB) Daily mean temperature.
Temperat_maximum.xls (191 KB) Daily maximum temperature.
Temperat_minimum.xls (183 KB) Daily minimum temperature.
Temperat_MeanHrChange.xls (269 KB) The change in temperature was calculated for each hourly timestep, and the mean for each day is presented.
Temperat_MaxHrChange.xls (244 KB) The change in temperature was calculated for each hourly timestep, and the maximum for each day is presented.


Chemistry.xls (85 KB) Variables describing instream chemical samples.
SPMD_chemistry.xls (126 KB) Variables describing results of toxicity tests and chemical sampling for semi-permeable membrane devices (SPMDs).

Instream habitat

Instream_habitat.xls (67 KB) Variables describing characteristics of the stream reach, channel dimensions, velocity and hydrologic conditions, substrate, bank, canopy cover and instream cover.


Algae_RTH_biov.xls (106 KB)
Algae_RTH_density.xls (459 KB)
Algal taxonomic assemblage data for richest targeted habitat sample: biovolume and density.
Algae_DTH_biov.xls (140 KB)
Algae_DTH_density.xls (140 KB)
Algal taxonomic assemblage data for depositional targeted habitat sample: biovolume and density.
Algae_metric_biomass.xls (19 KB) Algal biomass (chlorophyll-a, ash-free dry mass, pheophytin) measurements for RTH sample.
Taxonomic and Dominance Metrics
Algae_metric_RTH_rich_tax.xls (32 KB)
Algae_metric_RTH_den_taxdom.xls (40 KB)
Algae_metric_RTH_bio_taxdom.xls (45 KB)
Algal metrics describing number and percentage of algae taxa in taxonomic groups, and dominance percentage of most abundant 5 taxa. Calculated for RTH sample based on richness, density, and biovolume.
Algae_metric_DTH_rich_tax.xls (51 KB)
Algae_metric_DTH_den_taxdom.xls (40 KB)
Algae_metric_DTH_bio_taxdom.xls (41 KB)
Algal metrics described as above. Calculated for DTH sample based on richness, density, and biovolume.
Tolerance Metrics
Algae_metric_RTH_rich_tol.xls (923KB)
Algae_metric_RTH_den_tol.xls (113 KB)
Algae_metric_RTH_bio_tol.xls (113 KB)
Algal metrics describing number and percentage of algae taxa classified in groups describing motility, nitrogen uptake, trophic status, oxygen requirement, moisture requirement, pH range, salinity range, saprobic category, and pollution tolerance. Calculated for RTH sample based on richness, density, and biovolume.
Algae_metric_DTH_rich_tol.xls (92 KB)
Algae_metric_DTH_den_tol.xls (117 KB)
Algae_metric_DTH_bio_tol.xls (110 KB)
Algal metrics as described above, calculated for DTH sample based on richness, density, and biovolume.

Macroinvertebrate assemblages

Invert_RTH.xls (72 KB)
Invert_QMH.xls (80 KB)
Invert_QQ.xls (90 KB)
Macroinvertebrate assemblage data for richest targeted habitat (RTH) sample (density), qualitative multiple habitat (QMH) sample (presense/absence), and combined list of taxa (QQ) (presense/absence)
Invert_metric_RTH.xls (94 KB) Macroinvertebrate metrics describing richness, percent richness, abundance, and percent abundance of taxonomic groups, percentage of richness and abundance classified into functional feeding groups, tolerance classification metrics, percentage of richness and abundance made up of dominant taxa and various diversity indices. Calculated for the RTH sample.
Invert_metric_QMH.xls (60 KB) Macroinvertebrate metrics describing richness and percent richness of taxonomic groups, percentage of richness classified into functional feeding groups, and tolerance classification. Calculated for the QMH sample.
Invert_metric_QQ.xls (60 KB) Macroinvertebrate metrics describing richness and percent richness of taxonomic groups, percentage of richness classified into functional feeding groups, and tolerance classification. Calculated for the QQ sample.


Fish_assemblages.xls (163 KB) Description of fish assemblage sampled including number of each species, total, average, standard deviation, maximum, and minimum total length and weight of each species collected per site, and summary of abnormalities noted.
Fish_metrics_tax.xls (28 KB) Metrics describing total fish richness, abundance, length and weight for taxonomic families of fish species.
Fish_metrics_tol.xls (34 KB) Metrics describing total richness, abundance, length and weight for classifications of fish tolerance and trophic guilds.
Fish_metrics_traits.xls (41 KB) Metrics describing total richness, abundance, length and weight for classifications of fish traits, including substrate preference, geomorphology preference, locomotion habit, and reproduction technique.

Ancillary data

Basin_envset.xls (170 KB) Variables used to describe basin topographic, soil, litho-chemical, ecoregion, hydrologic landscape, and climatic (temperature and precipitation) conditions.
Basin_nlcd92.xls (39 KB) Variables used to describe land cover from approximately 1992. Description of basin area classified into Level 1 and Level 2 land cover categories from NLCD classification of 1992.
Basin_nlcd01.xls (58 KB) Variables used to describe land cover from approximately 2001. Description of basin area classified into Level 1 and Level 2 land cover categories, total stream buffer area classified into Level 1 land cover categories, segment stream buffer area classified into Level 2 land cover categories, and impervious surface in basin area and total stream buffer. From NLCD classification of 2001.
Basin_fragstats.xls (79 KB) Variables used to describe patterns of land cover on the landscape. Describes size, shape, configuration, proximity, and various indicies on patches of land classified into different land use categories.
Basin_census.xls (82 KB) Variables used to describe population, housing, and socioeconomic conditions in study basins.
Basin_InfSeg.xls (31 KB) Variables used to describe road and infrastructure characteristics of basins, and characteristics of stream segments.

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