South Atlantic Water Science Center
Full Title
Investigation of effects of land-use and land-use change on water-quality of small streams in the Treyburn Development of the Falls Lake Watershed
Treyburn Development in Durham County
Cooperating Agencies
City of Durham
Project Chief
Jason M. Fine
Period of Project
Science Topic:
Increased Population and Water Resources
This project was completed in 2013. These pages are for historical purposes only.
Gaging station at Flat River Tributary, Durham County.
Since 1988, the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) has been collecting data at 18 sites in and around Treyburn, North Carolina, which is an 8-square-mile (mi2) residential, commercial, and industrial development located in the Falls Lake watershed. Water-quality data, assessments of biological conditions, and streamflow information have been collected at the sites over different time intervals. No single stream drains the entire Treyburn development.
In cooperation with the Triangle Area Water Supply Monitoring Steering Committee, the USGS is conducting a water-quality investigation of major inflow streams to Falls Lake. Some of these inflow streams receive drainage from Treyburn and, consequently, are sampled as part of the Treyburn project and the Triangle Area Water Supply Project.