South Atlantic Water Science Center
Full Title
National Atmospheric Deposition Program/National Trends Network - Station NC36
Scotland County
Cooperating Agencies
National Atmospheric Deposition Program
Project Chief
Doug Smith
Period of Project
1983 to current year
Team Members
Paul Anderson
NADP/NTN Site - Jordan Creek (NC36)
National Atmospheric Deposition Program/National Trends Network Site NC 36 is a precipitation monitoring site located in the Sandhills Game Land in Scotland County North Carolina. The site is operated as part of the National Atmospheric Deposition Program (NADP). The NADP monitors precipitation quantity and chemistry through 5 separate nationwide precipitation and atmospheric data collection networks.
The National Trends Network (NTN) provides a long-term record of the acids, nutrients, and base cations in U.S. precipitation. There are 250 precipitation monitoring stations in the NADP/NTN, with 9 active sites in North Carolina.
The NADP networks, including the NTN, are operated by the cooperative efforts of many different groups, including federal, state, and local governmental agencies, educational institutions, private companies, and non-governmental agencies. In North Carolina, these groups include the U.S. Forest Service, the Environmental Protection Agency, North Carolina State University, and the USGS.
Site NC36 is maintained and operated by the U.S. Geological Survey and is named after a nearby stream, Jordan Creek. The site has been in operation since 1983.